On Saturday, we went to St Lawrence Market which is a huge 2-storey inside market in downtown Toronto. Jenna has been offered a job at the NZ shop in the market. The shop is run by a nice NZ lady who has owned it for about 6 years. Jenna had her training last week and will eventually work 5 days a week Tuesday to Saturday. The market is huge and is filled with all sorts of food stalls, butchers, fishmongers, veges, etc.
We managed to buy some NZ honey from another stall. The Manuka honey was $25 a small jar but the Pohutakawa was only $10 so we brought that home with us. It was funny, when we tasted it, Jenna, Andy and I all said it reminded us of Mums. Jenna then went on to talk about how Grandad used to cut off the corner and give it to the bird.
It was a really lovely afternoon. Jesse managed to steal some balloons (they were just sitting on the street so he just brought them along with us) and they caused quite a stir at the market with a small child trying to buy them off Andy. He said that he felt really mean when he couldn't sell him one.
There are so many cool little places in Toronto that have yet to be explored. Roll on the spring and summer when we can walk the streets.
Manuka Honey is an extremely effective natural healer. More people should know about this.