At 3.15pm today our time, the Nation stopped to watch the Ice Hockey - Canada vs USA.
Everyone yesterday was making plans where to watch the game. We watched it on TV at home.
Of course the Canadians were winning right to the last 24 seconds when the USA team equalized at 2 all. They went into overtime and after lots of yelling and screaming, coming from our couch, the Canadians scored the goal to win the Gold Medal.
It was the most exciting game I've ever seen.
We may not be true Canadians but we certainly were supporting them. We are proud of the Canadian team.
Well done!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Auto Show

Thought I'd post the photos of Jesse trying every imaginable car and motorbike. There were huge queues to even sit in the cars so he didn't get to try all the ones he wanted but he did enjoy himself. I particularly liked the Lexus RX350 but my conscience would not let me drive a huge petrol powered SUV like that, even if it has everything anyone could ever want. The next car will be a hybrid I think.
Anyway, enjoy the photos.

Loved the interior of this futuristic car, it had daisies printed on the white leather seats and was very open with a huge sunroof.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Near Miss on the Highway
Wow, what a day Sunday was. We went out on one of our Sunday drives with the intention of visiting Unionville, a tiny little village within the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) about a half hours drive from Toronto.
Anyway, we had to drive on about 4 different highways to get there and we were just coming onto the 404 from the on-ramp. We came up over the rise only to find that the cars in front of us were stopped.
Thanks to Andy's quick thinking and superb driving skills we managed to miss the car in front by swerving hard to the left and going around him. Luckily there was the end of a merging lane beside us so there was somewhere for us to go. The car that was travelling behind us hit the car that was in front of us so if we had not swerved out of the way, we would have been toast - back and front. Thank goodness. I think that the universe was smiling on us.
Andy was convinced that we had been hit because we could still hear the crashing of cars behind us. He got out to inspect but we came away unscathed. We decided to quickly get off the highway for a much needed pit stop and a Starbucks. We sat there for some time and then decided that a lottery ticket was in order. Wish us luck for Friday!
After a rest Andy decided that he was happy to go on so we got back in the car and headed for Unionville. Gosh I'm glad we did. It's an amazing little place, very quaint with lots of fashion and jewelry shops. One store had the most beautiful coats I've ever seen - a pink one with a fur collar was my favourite (of course).
They also have the most incredible confectionary store which of course was hell for Jenna and I but Andy and Jesse were in heaven. Us girls decided to leave and explore the rest of the main street while the boys enjoyed their treats.
There were some beautiful houses in Unionville too and there seemed to be lots for sale and lots of open homes.
The trip home was uneventful, except for the huge amount of traffic on these here Canadian highways.
By the time I took this photo the traffic wasn't quite so busy.
This weekend the weather report is for snow and Jenna and I have a bridal shower to attend so there will be no Sunday drive.
There is so much more of Toronto to explore. Look forward to another installment sometime soon.
Jenna Has a Job
On Saturday, we went to St Lawrence Market which is a huge 2-storey inside market in downtown Toronto. Jenna has been offered a job at the NZ shop in the market. The shop is run by a nice NZ lady who has owned it for about 6 years. Jenna had her training last week and will eventually work 5 days a week Tuesday to Saturday. The market is huge and is filled with all sorts of food stalls, butchers, fishmongers, veges, etc.
We managed to buy some NZ honey from another stall. The Manuka honey was $25 a small jar but the Pohutakawa was only $10 so we brought that home with us. It was funny, when we tasted it, Jenna, Andy and I all said it reminded us of Mums. Jenna then went on to talk about how Grandad used to cut off the corner and give it to the bird.
It was a really lovely afternoon. Jesse managed to steal some balloons (they were just sitting on the street so he just brought them along with us) and they caused quite a stir at the market with a small child trying to buy them off Andy. He said that he felt really mean when he couldn't sell him one.
There are so many cool little places in Toronto that have yet to be explored. Roll on the spring and summer when we can walk the streets.
The Beach on a Winter's Day
We have been trying to get out and about a bit and enjoy this very mild winter we have been experiencing. Not much snow here and the sun has been shining a lot of the time. Not so warm though, most days it's still under zero but on occasion it gets quite balmy - I think our high last week was 5 degrees.
Last weekend we went for a long drive along the shore of the Lake Ontario through the city. It was really nice to see the houses and the scenery. It is very villagey down that way even though it's in the heart of Toronto. We went for a quick walk along the beach but even though it was a stunning sunny day it was really cold so Jenna and I returned to the car while Andy and Jesse explored a picnic table that was stuck in the ice. It was really funny to see snow over the sand. Not something we'd experienced before.
Anyway, so we have been taking the proverbial Sunday drive.
We're looking pretty cold because it was absolutely freezing. Note the stylish snow boots that Jenna and I are sporting. We both liked the same ones so I got grey and she got black. Jesse had left his snow boots at school but he is wearing his nice new trendy coat.
After some time in the car Jesse and Andy decided they needed to get out again so found a park with a slide. I'm sure the people who lived around here thought they were crazy. Everyone else was tucked up in their nice warm houses with their central heating.
Anyway, it is always nice to get out and about and see new sights.
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