Thursday, January 14, 2010

I Like Big Butts and I Cannot Lie

Ok, it's been a while since I've blogged but to be honest there hasn't been much going on.

Jesse is now in week 2 of the new school term.  Their winter term sport is ice skating so he had his first lesson last week.  It turned out to be a rather costly experience for us as he needed skates ($70), helmet ($30) and splash pants ($10) which to Kiwis are waterproof leggings.  I got this message home that Jesse needed splash pants and had no idea what they were.  He enjoyed it very much and came home with only one sticking plaster for his trouble.  He has skating lessons every Friday for 8 weeks.

Andy started work and is enjoying being back in the game.  It brought on a rather large bout of homesickness for him as he got back into the routine of work and realised that the holiday was now over.

Jenna is still job hunting.  She angling to get herself a job at Fashion Crimes where she has been doing an internship, it's looking good.  Will keep you posted on that one.

OK, so you're asking yourself why on earth I named this blog "I Like Big Butts and I Cannot Lie".  Today I saw something in Walmart which just made Jenna and I cringe, laugh, squirm and wonder in amazement.  You've heard of the Wonder Bra right - well these were "Wonder Butts".  Yep, you guessed it womens underwear to enhance ones buttocks. I had to take a photo to share with you.

So, for just $9.34 (plus tax) you too can have that most amazing butt that you've always wanted.

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