Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree

Ok, so I thought it was time I got in the Christmas mood.

Went to Ikea yesterday as they were advertising $20 trees and I knew they also had cheap decorations.

After wandering through the entire store (oh the hardship) I found myself at the checkout where they were displaying a few stands with decorations. I picked a few and wondered where the trees were.

I asked and was told you pay at the checkout and they will direct you. So I dutifully paid my $20 plus tax of course and was directed outside which I thought was kinda strange.

It was only when I rounded the corner that I realised that I had indeed purchased a real tree, tied up with string and what the hell was I going to do with that!

I selected one from the hundreds available after seeking advice from the man who said that a fatter one with long bottom branches was best. I struggled to get it into the trolley (or buggy as the Canadians call them) and pushed and tugged it all the way over to my car. I'm obviously not smart enough to take the car to the trees like everyone else did!

OK, what now???? I opened up the back and put down the seats of this car which Andy had so lovingly cleaned yesterday (waste of time when you have pine needles dropping everywhere). I hiffed it up onto my shoulder and plonked it in the back of the car and it promptly stuck out. Mmmm too big I thought so I gave it a push and it went between the front seats and hit the steering wheel. That will do! I jammed shut the door before it decided to jump out and got in.

Changing gear (thank goodness for automatics) was difficult but I managed to get home driving for the first time in the snow.

We hummed and haa'ed about what to do with it now. Eventually a friend rang and Andy enquired what one does with a real Christmas tree of this magnitude. He was told you can buy a special Christmas tree holder so off to Canadian Tire he went to purchase one.

Well, long story short. The tree is now up and decorated. Learned many lessons today not the least of which is not to wear a knitted cardigan whilst buying a Christmas tree.

Click here for photos.

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