It's crazy here - the leaves are falling everywhere and we are preparing for Halloween.
Andy and the kids went shopping yesterday for our Halloween "stuff". Lots of houses are being decorated although most of them are "autumn" themed, not scary. Jesse's class is doing a trick or treat with a difference, not only are they collecting candy but also non-perishables for the foodbank. He's going as a Jedi, at least I think that's the idea today.

Dollarama Halloween Isle
As the weeks go by, we are watching the leaves fall and it's just amazing. They are such beautiful colours. I know now, why they call it fall.
It makes me laugh when I see people out there raking their lawns as it's just a waste of time, the leaves are back the next day. What they do is rake them up into little piles in the gutter (no they don't blow away which I still find hard to believe). When we first moved here we got a note from the Council saying they were going to vacuum the leaves on three dates during October and November. I wondered why. Now I know. Love the fall, the weather's not bad, just a little chillier and wetter but still quite mild, the trees are beautiful, love the decorated homes. Autumn could be rivaling spring as my favourite season!
Will post some photos of the Halloween visitors after the weekend.
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