OK, well I haven't blogged for a few days because I have been so busy shopping. I think Jenna and I have a self-challenge - how many days in a row can we go to Ikea. We've been the last three days in a row.
We bought a new lounge suite - it's grey (not blue) from The Brick.
We bought bar stools from Ikea.
We've bought towels, sheets, duvets, etc.
We also bought second hand beds for the kids. We will sleep on our air bed until we move.
We have discovered that on the whole delivery men are unhappy folks. Although the one true Canadian delivery guy we had was great. Most are not Canadian born. In fact, most people we have met are like us - imports!
We've also had some dramas with our house as the fridge wouldn't work so our landlord had to get a new one. We seem to have landed slap bang in the middle of the Polish community here in Mississauga.
Jesse has made friends with the neighbourhood children so we're not seeing much of him except when he returns home all covered in mud. We're still living in a construction zone so there is lots of machinery going non-stop.
We've also got gib stopping still going on although they call it dry-walling here. They laughed when I called it that.
I have been very brave and driving myself and Jenna around this week. I've been on the expressway a couple of times but only with Andy in the car. It scares me a bit. I'm certainly not prepared to drive into Toronto on the expressway yet. The other day we went into Toronto and I was navigating using the GPS. Andy thought he'd ignore both Delilah (our GPS) and me and take a different turn off. He paid for that - we ended up on this incredibly busy highway with about 6 lanes. I tried to take a photo coming down the hill of the lanes - with all the highways there were about 20 lanes. Unfortunately, I was not quick enough and I don't think I'll be able to convince Andy to drive that way again just so that I can get a photo.
Andy has been job searching - nothing yet but there's lots out there. Hopefully will get something soon.
Today, we're going into Toronto to a Greek festival. Should be fun. Will post photos.
There is no need to apologise for shopping - especially when it involves Ikea!! I think delivery men all over the world are grumpy. I remember getting some nursery furniture delivered from Mothercare when I was in England. I was 7 months pregnant and he wouldn't bring it in (we were in first floor flat) and just wanted to leave it on the doorstep, basically on the street. I asked him how he thought I was going to get it up the stairs in my state and he just said, 'Haven't you got a husband?' Cheeky bastard! He eventually took it up for me - people should know not to cross a pregnant woman :-)