Saturday, January 30, 2010

Guns n Roses

On Thursday was the long awaited Guns n Roses concert.  It was an interesting evening, most of which was spent people watching.  I'm still decided whether or not the 3 1/2 hour wait for Axel Rose was worth it.  Let me explain.

We arrived about 7pm and parked across from the Air Canada Centre, we waited in the car till 7.30 as it was minus 12 outside and the line wasn't moving.  Eventually we ventured out into the cold to wait in the line.  It took about 20 minutes to get inside so we were freezing by the time we got in.  We quickly warmed up and by the time the show started at 8pm I had taken off my big coat.

The first act was really good.  A local Toronto band but we never caught their name so have no idea who they were.  They played about 5 songs and really warmed up the crowd.

After that there was a break for about half an hour while they set up for Sebastian Bach (formerly of Skid Row fame) who was quite good too (although I liked the first act better).  I was amazed at his head banging capability.  He has long hair and he just spent the whole time flinging it about.  I would get a headache.  We were amused because he had a microphone with a long cable and the roadies spent much time running around stage after him winding it up.  It became apparent why pretty quickly when he stood on the front of the stage swinging the microphone by it's cord.  That was truly impressive.  The first time he did it though he broke the microphone and they couldn't find him another one.  He was not impressed and started swearing at them until they finally got him a new one.  Sebastian finished his act at 9.30.

So now comes the people watching part of the night.  We waited and waited and waited for Guns n Roses.  They finally hit the stage at 11.30pm.  Yes that's right - 2 hours after Sebastian Bach finished.  By this time the crowd was pretty upset and were booing loudly.

Axel apologised but didn't really give a reason and from reading what others have said online they were as unimpressed as we were.

Now to the concert.  It was quite good although for me there were not enough of the good old songs that I knew.  He lost the audience several times because I think a fair number of them were there, like me, to hear the old stuff and the audience got bored.  There were 4 long guitar solos, 2 long piano solos and Axel kept disappearing off the stage.

Reading all this you'd think that I didn't really enjoy myself.  Not true.  I did have a good time, not a great time.  Time and hard living has not been so good to Axel, he's certainly not the fine thing he was when he was young.

We danced lots and cheered and sang enough that my voice was almost gone when I got home at 3am.  Poor Andy had to go to work on Friday so I felt sorry for him.  I also felt really sorry for the people who had to leave before actually seeing the main event.  Apparently Axel has a reputation for being late.  My friend Sandra said he didn't start on Sunday night until 10.30 so I expected that, but 11.30 was just too late.

The actual show (pyrotechnics, etc) was impressive and the booms that came with the explosions hit me in the heart.  I wondered if the drummer had to dodge the sparks because it looked like it was very close to him.

On that note, I will leave this blog with the other pictures we took.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I Like Big Butts and I Cannot Lie

Ok, it's been a while since I've blogged but to be honest there hasn't been much going on.

Jesse is now in week 2 of the new school term.  Their winter term sport is ice skating so he had his first lesson last week.  It turned out to be a rather costly experience for us as he needed skates ($70), helmet ($30) and splash pants ($10) which to Kiwis are waterproof leggings.  I got this message home that Jesse needed splash pants and had no idea what they were.  He enjoyed it very much and came home with only one sticking plaster for his trouble.  He has skating lessons every Friday for 8 weeks.

Andy started work and is enjoying being back in the game.  It brought on a rather large bout of homesickness for him as he got back into the routine of work and realised that the holiday was now over.

Jenna is still job hunting.  She angling to get herself a job at Fashion Crimes where she has been doing an internship, it's looking good.  Will keep you posted on that one.

OK, so you're asking yourself why on earth I named this blog "I Like Big Butts and I Cannot Lie".  Today I saw something in Walmart which just made Jenna and I cringe, laugh, squirm and wonder in amazement.  You've heard of the Wonder Bra right - well these were "Wonder Butts".  Yep, you guessed it womens underwear to enhance ones buttocks. I had to take a photo to share with you.

So, for just $9.34 (plus tax) you too can have that most amazing butt that you've always wanted.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all!  I trust that the New Year was ushered in in the most appropriate fashion.  For me, it was a quiet one.  Andy and I decided that we must be old when we thought it would be better to stay at home and watch the celebrations on TV rather than facing the rain and the cold to actually go down to Nathan Phillips Square in Toronto where it was all happening.  The TV event turned out to be rather good, showcasing a lot of Canadian talent which was interesting for us.

The year has started well with Jesse and I staying home for a "chill out" day.  He is playing Lego Star Wars on the PS3 that was under the tree this year and I am sitting stitching, watching the snow fall.  Andy has gone shopping for new clothes for work and Jenna has not yet returned home from last evenings festivities although we have heard from her and she is feeling a little under the weather today - wonder why!

I have made only one New Year's resolution this year - BE HAPPY!  Really once that's sorted, everything else falls into place.

One thing I wanted to share, I heard Andy utter this line to Jesse yesterday as they were cleaning up after taking out the Christmas tree.  The line was - "don't vacuum your hair"!  What parent hasn't heard that!

On that note, I wish you all the best for the New Year, may it bring happiness and prosperity to all.